CLE@R – Electronic Authentication

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Transparency,  authenticity,  trust,  security – is your business aware?

Are your documents, contract and database information secure, authentic and traceable?
Can your clients count on the privacy and security of their information stored in your database?

Electronic authentication is essential for the safekeeping of documents and data in an authentic and trusted electronic format. Our range of CLE@R products and services gives your business the authentic edge in a web-based environment that is secure, easy to use and completely paperless through:

  • Electronic signatures and electronic authentication
  • Electronic document and database management
  • Secure web-based data and document storage

Why is electronic authentication so important and necessary?

The safekeeping of documents in an authentic and trusted electronic format has become a concern in the electronic environment of the web. The processes supplied by CLE@R range of products limit the falsifying and unlawful copying of documents and give assurances of using trusted and accredited individuals in service professions – medical, financial, legislation, etc.

What are the benefits and application of e-authentic solutions?

  • Sharing of information by making use of very specific processes that ensures authenticity and traceability of the information
  • Assurance of ‘real’ and trustworthy documents and information, not copies of copies etc
  • Completely digital – Everything is electronic.  If you see a printed version, then it is a copy

What makes the CLE@R products unique?

Approved methods are applied for electronic authentication that are very specific, unique and assures authenticity and a trustworthy format.

See for authentication practice statement.

Should my business make use of the CLE@R products?

CLE@R products are adapted for use by professional organisations, associations and societies, institutions, corporations and companies and the general public/individuals. A community, i.e. lawyers or medical professionals, would have their own CLE@R product tailor-made to suite their specific needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

CLE@R Users

LOC your DOC >>

Authentic LAW >>

CLE@R Products

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