What web-based management software should my company use?

There are various applications of web-based management software, depending on the profile and activities of your business. Some of the most common customized cloud-based solutions commissioned by our team at Virtually Clear include:

  • Web office systems or virtual offices (administrator and user accounts) to manage clients, record financial statements, build client database and assign jobs
  • Sales system software to manage sales staff and track the progress and performance of your team members
  • Event management system to handle online bookings, payments, secure login forms
  • Membership system to deal with the subscription, secure login and invoicing of paying members and building databases
  • Project systems to manage projects and resources – human and financial (budgets)

It is important to note that web-based management software can be customized and built to fit your company’s requirements.  One solution for all businesses is no longer efficient. Various modules can be added to your virtual office to better manage, track, record and improve specific business processes.

While most businesses would require a basic CRM or virtual office tool to record transactions and client databases, some businesses might have special needs, such as the introduction of an auction module (an auctioneer or real estate agency), a project module (an event organizer), a sales module (a direct marketing company with hundreds sales representatives), a membership/database module (a media company or publisher) and so on.

Contact Virtually Clear today for a free consultation to discuss your specific requirements.

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